Mayweather's House
Floyd Mayweather Sr. has come a long way. From becoming a one time championship boxer,to training his son Floyd Mayweather Jr.the World's Best Boxer today. This accomplishment alone proves that he has what it takes to find the next champion of the world. Mayweather's skills areincredible and now he is running a new reality show called "Mayweather'sHouse." Where boys and girls around the world try to prove they have what it takes to become the next championship boxer. However, can these participants stand through the intense training,techniques, and obstacles Mayweather uses. While also living under the same roof as theirpeers, who also believe they have what it takes to become the nextchampion. Conflict may arise! Unlike every other reality show you may have seen people get kicked off the show for fighting. Not inMayweather's house! If you have a problem with someone you handle it in the ring. After the first month Mayweather will start eliminatingparticipants.Eliminations are based solely on the fact that they do not have what it takes to become the next champion. Do you have what it takes to be the next world champion?

Send us a video telling us about yourself and why you think you should be in Mayweather's House.