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Which two rappers would you like to see "Shoot the Hands" in the ring?

            Most, if not all of the rappers on this page rap about guns and gun violence as if it's a glamorous thing. Some of them have even fallen victim to gun violence, or have victimized another human being with a gun at some point in their lives. Then there are the ones who rap about what they're prepare to do with a gun if the circumstances permit; but have never shot a gun in their lives. But among all these familiar faces how many can we honest say can "throw down" like a TRUE MAN or WOMAN?!.... How many of these faces are willing to stop hiding behind their weapons, put down their guns, and "Shoot the Hands" in the ring like a real O.G.? Hell, a 3 year old can pull a trigger and kill someone, that doesn't make that 3 year old a THUG, a GANGSTA, or an O.G., it's just a kid who will need intense therapy for the rest of his life.. PERIOD! And the same goes for anyone who makes the choice to pick up a gun. YOU ARE NOT A THUG!!!! A true man or woman don't need a gun or knife etc. to protect him/herself, a true man or woman has the reputation of being tough simply by "shooting the hands". Now don't get it twisted, we understand that some of these artist have lived the majority of their lives surrounded by gangs, guns and gun violence, and their simply telling their story. And in all honestly we listen to some of their music from time to time. Nevertheless, the point we're trying to get across to these rappers is whose going to have the guts to step up and change the game for good. Cause like it or not, music is one of the most influential tools on the face of this planet, and our youth are listening. Not to mention, these artist are financially well off, which allows them CHOICES that the majority of todays' youth do not have. In other words, these artist need to tell their stories and get over it. So here it is.... who's going to have the "BALLS" to put down their guns and gun mentality for good and step into the ring and show our youth what it is to be a real man or woman!!

How do I vote?

Simply send a text to 631-898-8636 along with the two rap artist you would like to see "Shoot the Hands" in the ring.


You can also include a text message giving your thoughts, comments, or even shot outs. All votes will be tallied and posted every week along with your personal text message.


Give your opinion about the way guns and gun violence in glamorized in the hip hop industry, or just give us your thought about 1-On-1 Boxing.

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Our saying, "Guns Down, Hands Up" means to find a hobby or interest you love like Boxing, which will ultimately reduce the violence of gangs and shootings in America.

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